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Remedial / Therapeutic Massage

Remedial / Therapeutic Massage is a natural therapy that has been practised for thousands of years.

While many machines have been developed to aid treatment of the musculoskeletal system, the benefits of hands-on care continue to be recognised and massage remains as popular today as it has ever been.


Remedial massage is the use of hands to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, in particular, the muscles. It can be used for relaxation or stimulation of the body, and is particularly effective in managing stress-related tension. Massage may help to promote suppleness, aid flexibility, stimulate circulation and reduce pain.


As a graduated (FdSc) health and complementary therapy practitioner, this specially designed remedial massage is effective at treating muscle tension, pain relief and improving the overall health and wellbeing. The personalised session integrates a blend of techniques from Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Sport massage and Herbal Hot Compress to effectively tailor to the customer needs. Sessions are either 30 minutes long, with focus on a specific area, or hour-long with a focus on the whole body.


60 minute Remedial / Therapeutic Massage is £47

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